Save Rivers : Mission Impossible?
It seemed a bit like Mission Impossible. The task: to get Dan Kammen, UC Berkeley professor and expert of clean energy, into Sarawak in a day to accommodate his short trip to Borneo. The date: June 4th, 2012. The problem: this date coincided with school holidays and Gawai Dayak, which meant that there were no flights available in short notice into Sarawak (the Manager of Civil Society Initiatives and Wildlife Conservation herself could not return home in Kuching to celebrate the festivities with her family). Heading up the Baram river, slated to be dammed The Dayaks of Sarawak usually celebrate the end of the harvest festival during the mid-year, that is around June. June 1st and 2nd in particular are considered the official Gawai Dayak celebrations, and are public holidays in the state, thus many Sarawakians return home to their villages to spend time with their families. Read more at